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The Fertilizer Designer is an opportunity to produce a full range of high quality organic fertilizers and soil conditioners in any location, in a small area, with a small number of workers, on inexpensive efficient and durable equipment. The work of the complex is based on the development and implementation of the original technology and formulation of organic and organomineral fertilizers, soil conditioners, humates and other products for soil and plants.

These activities are carried out in cooperation with Ukrainian, English, Estonian and German scientific companies.

The complex produces all forms of fertilizers - loose, granulated and liquid.

The main feature of the Fertilizer Constructor is the processing of organic waste - animal waste (chicken, goose, turkey manure, cow, horse, sheep, camel, pig manure), Waste from plant production (pruning, sanitary cutting, sawdust, wood chips, twigs, large plant tops), biogas plant waste (digestate, fulvate), human waste (food waste, municipal wastewater), and so on.


Thus, wherever there is a human, there is waste. It is possible and necessary to recycle them properly into various forms of fertiliser, and the resulting composts will form the basic basis for further production of final products.


The main additive for the product range is sapropel, a unique bottom sediment from the Ice Age. Other excellent natural substances and minerals such as leonardite, zeolite, glauconite, sunflower husk ash, trepel (diatomite), peat, bone meal, blood meal, agroperlite, vermiculite, lignin, dolomite, mulch, biochar, peat, various types of biohumus (vermicompost) are used in the developments.


The equipment complex requires a separate production facility of up to 1000 m², plus space for storing and storing raw materials and finished products. No gas or other fuel carriers are used in the production process. The dryer complexes are powered by wood pellets from our own production. Total energy consumption does not exceed 75 kWh. All equipment is simple to operate, durable and does not require long training for operation.



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A unique accelerated composting system that allows for the cheap, quick and efficient disposal of animal and vegetable organic waste, and the subsequent production of high-quality loose organic fertilisers - compost from manure, manure and sewage sludge, food and vegetable waste.



Granulated organic fertilizer is a biologically active product that improves the physical, chemical and biological fertility of the soil and plant yields. The resulting fermented compost is crushed in a special way to ensure that no weed seeds are present in the final product. In the final stage, the pelleting is done exclusively under pressure without the use of chemical agents, glues or adhesives. The result is compact pellets of ø 4 mm with very low moisture content (8-10%), which are very convenient for use and transport. A microbial compound with nitrogen-fixing and phosphorus-mobilising bacteria is applied to the pellets, which will ensure maximum utilisation of the active substances attached to the granule.



The best liquid fertilisers, plant growth stimulants, also known as potash humates, are based on humic and fulvic acids. The highest percentage of these substances (75% or more) in nature is found in leonardite, an unripe brown coal millions of years old.


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From large plant debris (wood chips, branch residues, dead wood) and animal and poultry waste, biochar (plant charcoal) and bonchar (bone charcoal), which are valuable and in demand as organic fertilisers, can be obtained by grinding and then burning in mobile pyrolysis units.



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